
Book review 1-10 Martin Luther King

I read the book what was written about Martin Luther King.
He was born on 15th Jan 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. His family was not poor and they had enough money to live comfortably. He was loved by his parents, and had good neighbors. But, Kings were black people. Blacks and whites lived in different parts world at that time. For example, restaurants, schools, bathrooms and buses were separated from white people. Because, black people have been treated as a slave until 19 century. And though the slavery was abolished in 1865 by Lincoln, many white people were thinking about blacks and whites are different, and they don’t admit the blacks are human. When King was fifteen, he went to college in Atlanta, and he wanted to be a teacher like his teachers. But later, he become to think about he want to be a minister. He went to college for ministers in Pennsylvania, in the north, and met a many white students whose are friendly to King. He realized that Blacks and Whites don’t have to hate each other.
In his last year in college, King went to hearing a talk about the Gandhi. Gandhi had fought against the British in India. But they had not fought with guns. They used non-violent ways of fighting. This talk made King so excited and he became to fight segregation without armies in the south. In the Southside, there were still many segregation and racism.
Later, things were beginning to change. In the south, new laws against segregation were passed. But white people in the south decided to fight against these laws. And also, in this time, King has decided fight segregation in the south. He and his followers refused to ride in the buses after Rosa Parks was arrested. This is Bus boycott in 1955, and in 1960, they found a new way of protesting –sit in-
And then 1963, a thousand children joined a protest march through Birmingham, and they gathered at Washington D.C. and asked for equal rights for Black Americans.
More than 200,000 marched on Washington. Marin Luther King stood in front of the statue of Abraham Lincoln and made the most famous speech of his life.
「I have a dream」
He said. His dream was of an America where blacks and whites would be equal and live together in peace. This speech was shown on television all over the world. People cried when they heard Martin’s words. Things must change now, they thought. The country was full of hope in the future of America. This speech made him so famous. But yet there were also people who hated this minister. Less than 5 years after his speech in Washington, he was shot dead.
When people heard of his death, there was so much sadness. But there was also anger. Black people rioted. They burned buildings and fought the police. Many black people were killed in these riots.
15 years after his death, the American government made his birthday a national holiday. Today, he is remembered as one of the greatest Americans of the 20th century.( 528words)

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