
Diary 2-5 Red Cliff

Lately, I have a movie that fascinates me. This is 「Red Cliff」. This movie is set in the era of history of the three Kingdoms. This movie is drawn about the fight between Sousou and Sonken・Ryuubi at the Red Cliff near Choko.
I saw the advance billing of this movie when I went to the theater to watch 「Wanted」. It was so interest and felt good.
Although I am not interested in the Chinese history, I had an interest about this. The cast are almost Chinese, and some Japanese cast are in there.
The opening to the public of this movie is 1st November, so I am planning to go to watch it. (125 words)


Book review 2-9 Flight

Birds move their wings up and down and they fly. People can move their arms up and down but they don’t fly. Birds have big wings and a small body, but people have small arms and a big body. Why can birds fly? This is related to dynamic lift. Birds can fly this lift.
People had thought they want to fly since long time ago. In old story says Icarus and Daedalus tried to fly themselves. Even now, this story is famous because people want to fly themselves, I think.
Many people have tried to fly. In 1020, Oliver of Malmesbury made some wings for his arms. But he didn’t fly like a bird. In 15th, Leonardo da Vinci watched birds in the air, and found the mechanism of it. But the plane that was made by him never flew. In 1670, Flancesco de Lana made the lift with four balloons, however, this lift, too, never lift.
In 18th, Balloons and Parachutes were invented. The brothers Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier made a balloon with smoke in it. This balloon was the first one in the air. But there was nobody in it. The first balloon that held people in it were in 1783. But of course, this invention had some accidents.
In 19th, glider was made. Glider is an aero plane without engine. The wings of glider didn’t move up and down. This had lift, but it didn’t have thrust.
The first aero plane had appeared by Wright brothers in early 20th. They made two hundred different wings and tail planes, and watched them move in the wind. Brothers made a 68 kg aero plane engine from a car engine. And this plane had flown. These guys had developed the flight skill. Now, Wright Brothers were said the first people that succeed to flying in air. As an opportunity, many type of plane was invented. Later, helicopters, zeppelin, and other type of plane had appeared.
Unfortunately, aero plane was often used as a weapon of war. I think many Japanese know this name “Enola Gay”. This is famous for the plane that bombed the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. Many aero planes were invented and made extensively for war. But many aero planes were destroyed in the same time.
Now, we can travel overseas easily and quickly thanks for aero plane. If we have no planes, we have to travel by ship or train taking many days instead of planes. Plane is exactly important and convenient, but we must not to make a mistake to use and deal with it. If we did it, the tragedy will be happened. (442 words)